Relationship Help
We frequently receive messages requesting relationship help, and as unique as relationships are, when it comes to dating older men, they often come with the same concerns and worries. To address some of the most common relationship help requests, we have collected some general advice here. You are dating an older man? Then this blog post may answer some of your most pressing questions. Read below for our roundup of the most discussed relationship help topics.

Relationship Help – My boyfriend could be my daddy!
”I am dating a guy who is almost twice my age. I am 26 and personally I have no issues with my boyfriend being so much older. To be honest, I am not only super attracted to his mature personality. I actually also find the way older guys look with their grey melange hair quite sexy. My friends seem to be cool with him being around, but when we are alone, they often make jokes and call him ’my daddy‘ – it really annoys me! Why is age such a big deal for people? I could really need some relationship help here!“

First things first: You don’t really need ”relationship help”. As you say yourself, you are happy with your boyfriend. Personally you don’t see any issue with dating a man who is quite a bit older than you. And why should you? It is your decision and your decision alone who you date! If age doesn’t matter to you, then you have your answer: it does not matter. Your friends need to accept that you are happy with your mature partner, and you don’t appreciate them referring to your boyfriend as ”daddy“. Make it 100% clear to them that you don’t see your partner as a daddy type and that you are attracted to him for who he is. Surely they would not want you to give their boyfriends random nicknames just to give them a hint what you think about them?
Relationship Help – My older boyfriend is turned on when I call him daddy!
”I have always loved dating older men. The way they behave, their confidence, their life experience: For me, mature guys are simply more attractive. My most recent partner is a super attractive, generous and charming businessman in his late 40s. However, what I can’t get used to is him asking me to call him daddy. Not all the time, but for example when we have sex, he is turned on by it. He can be pretty dominant in bed, which I really enjoy – as I said, I love confidence. So I wondered if this is just him living out his dominant side? Still, I find it a bit strange. Some relationship help would be much appreciated!“

Ok, now it sounds like we are talking about a similar problem here. With the difference that this time it’s not the social environment calling your boyfriend a daddy – it’s himself! Unfortunately there is not the perfect relationship help for all problems. The best advice I can offer to you is to suggest you talk to your boyfriend directly. You are probably right and it’s just a kink for him to show that he is in control and loves to take care of you. If it really bothers you, you will need to tell him, though. Many couples with our without age difference enjoy a bit of role play in bed. Talking to him will help you understand him better, and who knows? You might enjoy exploring different sexual fantasies together more than you expected!
Relationship Help – More hot topics coming soon!
If you need relationship help, stay tuned. We periodically publish a follow-up article to discuss the hottest relationship help topics. Maybe your own question will already be answered in the upcoming issue of our ongoing series?